flower blooming
Shovel Owl

AthenaHacks 2025 Hacker Application

Thank you for your interest in AthenaHacks, Southern California's premier collegiate hackathon for marginalized genders, hosted annually at the University of Southern California (USC)!

Our event will be held in-person at USC on March 1-2, 2025. Please note there will not be a virtual or hybrid option this year.

We will be accepting applications on a rolling basis, so keep an eye out for an email from us once you apply!

Will you be 18 or older by March 2025? *

Grade Level *

Note: You must be a university student and have a .edu email to attend!

Gender *

What are your preferred pronouns? *

Ethnicity *

Have you attended AthenaHacks before? *
If so, welcome back!

Will you have access to a laptop/computer and an internet connection the weekend of March 1st, 2025? If not, please explain further so we may best assist you. *
We are collecting this information to gauge interest and resources.

May we share your resume with sponsors? *

How did you hear about us? We'd love to know! *

I have read and agree to the Major League Hacking (MLH) Code of Conduct. *

I authorize you to share my application info with MLH for event administration, ranking, and MLH administration in-line with the. MLH Privacy Policy. *

I further agree to the terms of both the MLH Contest Terms and Conditions and the MLH Privacy Policy. *

I authorize MLH to send me an email where I can further opt into the MLH Hacker, Events, or Organizer Newsletters and other communications from MLH.

Major League Hacking 2025 Hackathon Season Major League Hacking 2025 Hackathon Season